Working towards SDG7: UNDP countinues to support Energy-Efficiency in Sierra Leone

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Sierra Leone National Human Development Report 2023

UNDP Sierra Leone Resident Representative's statement at the handover Ceremony of Charcoal and Cookstove Development Centre andTesting Laboratory

Parliament of Sierra Leone Opens doors to Citizens for the first time in history
UNDP Sierra Leone 2018 Annual Report
In this report, we share with you some key outcomes from our work in achieveing the Sustainable Development Goals in Sierra Leone together with the Government and the poeple of Sierra Leone. These achievements are and our work in general is made possible with the generous support of our development partners/donors across the world. Thank you!

UNDP's Country Programme for Sierra Leone: 2023 to 2023
The UNDP Executive Board approved the Sierra Leone’s 4-year Country Programme Document (CPD) on the 4th September 2023. The CPD is a core strategic document that guides UNDP’s development assistance to the Government of Sierra Leone (GOSL).
The CPD will focus on enhancing the ability of state institutions to deliver services to citizens using a coordinated and sustainable approach in various areas, including democratic institutions, sustainable environment, inclusive growth and assisting in the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The CPD is UNDP’s contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), jointly developed with the UN Country Team (UNCT) and the Government of Sierra Leone.
The UNSDCF is the collective contribution of the UNCT to Sierra Leone’s Mid-Term National Development Plan (MT-NDP) which also guides the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Sierra Leone.
At the beginning of the year 2023, UNDP launched the Country Programme for Sierra Leone. Watch the video.

Launch of Accelerator Labs, Sierra Leone
In 2023, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched 60 Accelerator Labs in an initial 78 countries as "a response to what we see happening in the UNDP's development environment. While development investments are making progress, the progress is not at a fast enough speed. These labs are teams of ethnographers, entrepreneurs, engineers, designers that we are bringing into UNDP to work with our experts on biodiversity and gender equality and poverty reduction. We are marrying a capability in social innovation with development expertise. We are hoping this creates new momentum to break through on some of the really difficult challenges, like growing inequality and climate change". Gina Lucarelli, team leader of the Accelerator Lab network at UNDP. Read more about the Lab's launch in Sierra Leone here.

What we do
UNDP has had a presence in Sierra Leone since 1965, working in partnership with the Government of Sierra Leone, development partners, UN agencies, civil society and local communities, contributing to inclusive growth, sustainabily, and efficient democratic governance.

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